Thursday, July 20, 2006


Movie reviews

Maybe I'll expand into movie reviews. We've rented a couple of good movies in the last month (and a few that weren't so good). Roughly in the order that we watched them, here they are:

Sky High - 10/10, Highly Recommended. A great movie, very entertaining for adults and kids alike. Kind of like The Incredibles meets Spiderman, or something like that.

Serenity - 7/10. Fairly good science fiction picture. Some things were too predictable, some things didn't make sense, but overall it was entertaining. Fairly violent at times, so think twice before having kids watch it.

Nanny McPhee - 9/10. Very nice. Pauline especially liked how the nanny was the anti-Mary Poppins. Someone she could relate to! ;-) The kids loved it.

Secondhand Lions - 10/10. Excellent picture. I liked it much more than expected. It's about a kid who goes to live with his wealthy eccentric uncles because his mom (basically a loser) wants him to get in on some of the uncles' money. The uncles are retired adventurers (or are they?), and order a "used" lion, which turns out to be a metaphor for their own lives--hence the title, Secondhand Lions. But anyway, it's very entertaining, at various times being funny, serious, scary, and sentimental.

House of the Flying Daggers - 4/10. Not recommended. The first half of the movie was very interesting--bright colors, interesting martial arts scenes, interesting directing. But the last ~1/3 completely ruined the movie for me. Moved too slow, turned too bloody, etc.

The Kid - 8/10. Bruce Willis, a selfish bitter guy, meets his younger self (who had time-traveled from the past to the present). Willis's character has to re-learn how to be nice, childlike, etc. Movie was well-done. Pauline & I both liked it, and I think Leslie liked it a lot; Emily was a bit bored at times.

We LOVE sky high at our house. Very cute spin on the traditional superhero thing.

And we just watched Nannie McPhee last night. I agree on that one too!
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