Sunday, September 16, 2007


Utah State Fair

We went to the state fair with Grandparents Bobby & Phil last week. A lot of fun!

One of the first things we saw was a show by Marcus, "Funny man who does tricks". I really enjoyed him--a talented juggler with a dry sense of humor.

Emily, of course, got picked to go up on stage.

He didn't juggle Emily, but he did juggle while *holding* Emily. :-)

This was an impressive trick--doing a hula hoop with his leg, while doing a paddle ball with one hand, juggling with the other hand, and balancing a top on his tongue!

We got to see a 700 pound butter sculpture. That's a lot of butter!! (It was kind of creepy, actually.)

On the way out, we even got to meet and talk to a robot.

The main reason we picked that particular day for the fair, was to catch Terry Fator's performance. He is the best ventriloquist I've ever seen, and he has his puppets do impressions of other singers. It's amazing--check out the youtube links below if you haven't ever seen him before. He won the $1 million prize from the show "America's Got Talent". Emily, Leslie and me were right up front on the first & second rows.

This one was very funny--he got an audience volunteer and made him dress up and sing like Cher.

Here are some clips from the AGT show. He did all of these songs at his Utah performance. (And a bunch more--his performance lasted about an hour and twenty minutes.)

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