Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Emily's teacher's April Fool's joke.

Emily's teacher played a prank on her 2nd grade class on Apr 1: she told them that they had to take a test to advance to 3rd grade... then she proceeded to give them a test for *5th* graders. Emily said it was "really hard!".

Proud father bragging: it turns out Emily got 9 out of 15 on the 5th grade exam. 60% is passing, in my book! So now I get to tease her about starting 5th grade next year. ;-)

In other Emily news, she got in to the 3rd grade "ALL" program (gifted/talented; "ALL" stands for Advanced Learning Lab). So she'll be going to a different elementary school next year. The new school is only about a mile away, though.

Are any of us surprised? With parents like she has, she was sure to follow in their footsteps...and Leslie's!
That's fun. Bryce is in the Gifted/Talented Program too, but it is inclusive, so he is in a regular class. I suppose it has it's own advantages, but sometimes I wish it was a separate class or school all together. It's harder to keep up with his GATE stuff sometimes, and it feels like the teacher doesn't have the time to teach the GATE students, she just gives them extra work.

I'm sure Emily will love her new school! By the way, I'm a bragger parent too. I think all parents are, and every kid has something to brag about...personality, school, sports, etc. So brag away.
Good job! I love that she said the test was "really hard!"
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