Saturday, June 14, 2008


Hiking up to the "Y"

I decided to take Leslie and Emily on a hike up to the "Y" today. (For those unfamiliar with Provo, there's a giant "Y" painted on the mountain right next to the BYU campus.) Emily got a bit tired and complainy, but other than that the hike was pretty successful.

Here we are starting off, making the secret Y-sign.

After 55 minutes of hiking, the Y is finally in sight!

We got a random passer-by to take this picture. We're right at the base of the Y, camera facing away from it.

The kids made the secret sign again.

I liked this flower.

Just after we started down again, we got buzzed by a helicopter. It got much closer to us than in this picture, but I didn't think of snapping a photo until the helicopter had started away from us.

There are numbered markers at every switch-back. The base of the Y is at marker 10. We climbed up the Y itself nearly to the top, then started down and came across marker 11.

That's where I work! The physics building ("Eyring Science Center") is the one with two telescope domes on it. You'll likely have to click on the photo to get a larger version; it's just in front and to the left of the tallest tower.

These butterflies were all over the place. So I took this one's picture. He didn't complain.

That is one thing I never ended up doing, whenever I knew of a group going, I wasn't able to, and was too chicken to go it alone.

Now I'm regretting it again. Loved the pics though. They brought back fond memories. The Eyring Science Center is where Wade had most of his classes.
John--we're coming out to Utah and are trying to put together a mini-reunion for FHE on 6/30. I can't find an email address for you, so email me asap at (remove the assist leader).
wow - a sego lily in the wild --- I've never seen one for real --- I guess I still haven't but the fact you found one makes me want to look for one some spring when I'm in Utha!
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