Sunday, July 20, 2008


Summer activities - pictures! (part 5c)

Part 5, cont.: Zion National Park

Part 5c. Canyon Overlook Trail

On Friday we met a family who lived near the park, and they said that the best hike in the whole park is the "Canyon Overlook Trail", which starts right after the car tunnel going from the main entrance towards the east entrance to the park. (The tunnel itself, and the drive up to it, was amazing in its own right.) So, I decided that we needed to do it. My dad (with his bum knee) also braved the trail.

There's our van on the top right! My mom remained behind, so many of the van doors are open.

Here we are at the top! (The other guy in the picture was just another tourist. He seemed to be doing many of the same things we were, at the same times.)

This is the view from the overlook! You can see the windy road going up to the aforementioned tunnel. Somehow the road seemed a lot steeper as we were driving on it.

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