Friday, November 07, 2008


Sick grandpas and NSF grant proposal

A quick family news update:

My dad was having some heart pain last week, so he went to the doctor to have it checked out. After doing some tests, the doctor wouldn't let him go home! Said if he had had a heart attack from the obstruction they found, he would have been dead on the spot. Surgery was needed ASAP (a couple of days), and since my dad was a "walking time bomb" before the surgery, he needed to remain in a hospital. The good news is that the triple bypass surgery was successful, and my dad is home now and seems to be recovering his strength.

The same day my own dad was released from this hospital, Pauline's dad was admitted to a different one. He had been having some neurological symptoms such as trouble thinking and disorientation (while visiting us last weekend he asked me if next Sunday was Easter), and unfortunately the symptoms kept progressing to the point where he grew incoherent. The doctors think it might be related to a thyroid condition, and are running lots of tests. We will keep him in our prayers.

I also have an NSF grant due in a few hours. The fact that I can take the time now for a blog entry is good news... I'm practically finished! Just need to do final proofreading, then I can upload it to the NSF website. I has required a lot of extra work, though: I worked all day Saturday, half day Sunday, and I've stayed at work until 8 or 9 pm every night this week. Props to Pauline for keeping the family functioning in my absence.

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