Sunday, August 23, 2009


Summer pictures, part 2: hike near back of Timpanogos

We decided to celebrate the Fourth of July by going on another family hike. We parked at Aspen Grove, same place where the Stewart Falls trail leaves from, but went towards Mount Timpanogos instead of towards Stewart Falls. The actual hike to the peak of Mount Timpanogos is something like 6 miles one way, but we had been told that the first section of the hike is very picturesque with several waterfalls. We probably went 2.5 miles up the trail, and it was indeed beautiful. I liked it much more than the Stewart Falls hike.

Here we are, starting out. You can see that there was still quite a lot of snow in the mountains, even at the peak of summer.

Here’s a nice shot of Emily

...and another nice one of Pauline and Leslie.

Here’s the first waterfall we encountered.

We hiked up past the first fall, and as we came around a corner and my jaw literally dropped. I think I counted another twenty or so waterfalls.

And here’s the second one we came to.

I think this was the hillside just to the left of the second waterfall

We all thought this was a cool tree.

Leslie, Emily and I left Pauline near the second waterfall and hiked up farther, for about another hour. We came across many streams like this flowing across the path.

You can tell we’ve gained some elevation compared to the previous shot looking up the mountain.

Here’s a shot looking down the mountain.

I don’t take too many pictures of me, so here you go. Probably taken by Emily

Now we are hiking back down, looking down on Pauline at the second water fall (she’s the one with the reddish shirt).

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