Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hiking Mt Timp - part 3

If you haven't looked at the pictures from "part 1" and "part 2" yet, start below.

As seen in an earlier photo, the trail goes up and south (formerly left) from the saddle. This is what it looks like. I think the thing way up there in the distance is the shack at the top. To further orient yourself, the rock slide would be down and to the left, from this view. The lake is that direction too, although it wouldn't have been visible from here.

There was a whole series of switchbacks in this section. You can see how steep it is.

And when we got high enough, we could see the lake again! How's this for an angle?

The views were indeed spectacular. I think this is looking down over that Aspen Grove ridge again, the way that we hiked up.

Getting pretty close to the top now, this is looking backwards. Starting from where the camera is and going backwards, you can see a series of switchbacks, the smaller peak where the really sharp switchbacks were, and to the right of the smaller peak you can see the trail going back down to the saddle. Then, you can see the trail going steeply down from the saddle (what I referred to as "the switchback" in an earlier picture, when I was talking about the trail going up to the saddle).

If you look closely, you can see our house! Find the two green ovals just to the left of the middle of the picture. (The left oval isn't really oval, but that's OK.) Make a rectangle with the centers of those ovals on opposite corners, and our house is pretty close to the upper left corner of the rectangle.

I made it!!!!!! This is the top.

Have I mentioned the view was spectacular?

I shot some video from the shack at the top. Here you go!

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